Saturday 27 August 2016

One Fine Spring by Shumyla Mariyam

We met at a coffee shop one fine spring,
and talked about the joys that love could bring.
You said it was just a plain, plain word
I said your thoughts were completely absurd.

You took a sip of your espresso,
and said “There were things I did not know.
“Love is blind and selfish too,
it can bring anguish you have no clue.

It has brought me nothing but pain,
and almost made me cut a vein.
She left me without saying goodbye,
and all she ever did was lie.

Love turned me into a fool
Yes, love can also be so cruel.”
With these words I did reply,
“You really were a foolish guy.

 Love doesn’t mean to touch or kiss,
cause love can bring you never-ending bliss.
My first love was my dad,
and second, my mother, if I may add.

 You truly are mistaken, Sir,
love is not really loving her.
Love can never do you wrong,
love reminds you of where you belong.

Love lasts as long as you live,
love is when you choose to forgive.
Your family, your friends are the love you need,
So why cut a vein and make yourself bleed.

The love over which you so grieve,
was never real, I can perceive.”

Your smile was filled with a scent of cinnamon,
“These words were like a loaded gun
and sweeter than the songs she sung,
It’s my heart, my dear, that you won.”

-Shumyla Mariyam

Monday 8 August 2016

Survival by Shumyla Mariyam

The sun has finally set
and my world is now dark,
No one here cares I bet
that my eyes have lost all their spark.

All I see are scorching flames,
everything’s burned to the ground.
I feel no regret, no pity, no shame
cause now I know I am hell-bound.

Silence has never felt so loud
I wish I could somehow shout and scream,
I remember once you had vowed
to wake me from this terrifying dream.

I wish my heart would crave again
for all the times I felt alive,
Lost my mind, no longer sane
there’s no way I can survive.

-Shumyla Mariyam

Sunday 7 August 2016

Her Words (by Shumyla Mariyam)

A poet writes for the universe
And every bird that sings
Every blessing and every curse
All the princes, queens and kings.

She writes about those times spent
And every tear that dropped
About every love letter she has sent
Or every time her heart beat stopped.

Her words are for her lovers
Her friends and her foes
With these words she uncovers
All the passion that she shows.

She hoped her letter would find a way
To unveil a love so true
So tonight my love I have to say
I write these words for you.

-Shumyla Mariyam #Cityofopus